JC & Joseph McClendon III Workshop

JC recently attended an intensive 2 day workshop with Joseph McClendon III, 62 years young, renowned neuro psychologist and motivational speaker (& musician). The workshop was about communication – how you present yourself and deliver your message whether it be to one person or a thousand people.

The reason JC did the workshop was he was wanting to find a better way to communicate with our clients so that he can help to deliver the messages around health in a way that he could cater to everybody’s listening and learning styles.  As you know we hear, see and feel differently. It may be that your preferred learning style is either auditory, visual or kinaesthetic (movement) (VAK), or it may be a blend. This dominant style defines the best way for a person to learn new information by filtering what is to be learned.

The key learning JC received from doing the course was how to interact better with our clients by being able to better determine how they take in information and putting into practice has reaped many benefits for both JC and our clients – Happy Days!